#Business ID: 20170
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Business Location: Essex, New Jersey, United States
Asking Price: $ 299,000 | Revenue: $ 364,000 | Cash Flow: $ 118,290 |
$ 90,000
1,000 square feet with a 400 square feet basement. All Furniture, Fixtures, & Equipment are new, & in excellent condition. The store was remodeled soon before it opened up for business. There’s free parking in the building lot beside it. Owner has approximately 4 ½ years left on his lease plus one 5 year option. Landlord will offer at least this amount and possibly more.
There aren’t any luncheonettes within 5 miles of the restaurant. There is a nearby bagel/ deli. But this business has a wide variety of items on its menu. So it’s not exactly direct competition. A new owner could do advertising and promotion to enhance gross sales and profits. Both could possibly be done through the many area schools, and in schools in the bordering towns. Local voucher advertising would be beneficial as well.
The owner is willing to train/ assist the new owner.
$74,000 note to be held by the owner. All financing terms are negotiable.
Owner has other business interest, and cannot devo.
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