#Business ID: 19899

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Business to Business Public Relations Agency

Business Location: Virginia, United States

Asking Price: BUSINESS SOLD Revenue: $ 3,500,000 Cash Flow: $ 300,000

[Furniture / Fixtures included]

Business Summary

Full-Service Image Management, Advertising, and Public Relations.

This Business-to-Customer, Business to Business Industrial Marketing and Full-Service Image Management, Advertising, and Public Relations Agency offers comprehensive media purchase and placement, web development, brand and image consulting, research, survey, and graphic design services. The client categories include economic development, travel & tourism, insurance and financial services, environmental education and telecommunications.

In addition to numerous small to midsize business they manage cooperative advertising accounts for eight very large clients across the US Mid-Atlantic. The accounts have grown over 20+ years to multi-media, multi-million dollar annual advertising accounts. Each client is handled separately and in the most effective manner based on the geographic region.

Account services and creative services managers work in daily contact with the client members and leadership.

The keystone of the business model for all their clients is customer service and customer satisfaction. The company’s team of professionals is considered a valuable partner with their clients, often acting as the client’s off-site marketing, advertising and public relations department. They bring fresh ideas and new techniques to clients which help them grow and retain their customers.

They specializes in social networking outreach and special event management solutions as well. Overall, the Company operates through two internal profit centers: media placement and advertising (85% of 2012 revenue), and creative production, public relations, and other marketing as well as research services (15%). The firm was founded on the principle that medium- to large-sized businesses and non-profit organizations that are structured without a comprehensive marketing department are in need of professional marketing and communications services. The Company serves as an off-site marketing department for its clients, providing all essential marketing services, from research, budgeting and planning to brand development and implementation of advertising and public relations programs to launching new products or programs.

EBITDA: $260,000

Property Details

Years Established:


Property Type:



$ 50,000

Other Business Details

Premise Details:

The facility comprises over 2,000 square feet of class A building, and can accommodate significantly higher revenues without major facility improvements or capital expenditures. The office location allows ease of access to the powerhouse centers around Washington DC, surrounding area and other metropolitan markets.


This firm is well positioned within its region, and is known for providing high-quality comprehensive marketing solutions to its clients with cost effective resolution. The cost of doing business is a competitive advantage as office space, salaries, professional services, and office supplies, as well as printing, creative services, and vendor services cost less in the firm’s geographical location than that of competitions.

Expansion Potential:

Since inception, this firm has established extensive personal contacts in various industries. Firm’s growth and success will be driven by the Company’s outstanding reputation for providing high-quality marketing solutions, and strong commitment to customer support. The Company’s website provides comprehensive information of their services, capabilities, and contact information. The Company also relies on national recognition and referral business. Management cites opportunities to grow revenues and profits far above the projections by appropriate investments in capital assets and human resources in order to attain new customers and expand its geographic reach.

Business Operation Details



Support & Training:

Management will remain through transition period in order to ensure a seamless transfer of ownership.

Miscellaneous Details

Reason For Selling:



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