Business Summary
California Orthodontic Practice For Sale Orange County, California Asking $349,000 Ref# D750 This long-established practice has been in the area since 1994. It is located in an affluent area near to beaches. This aesthetically pleasing office of 1,300 sq. ft. offers scenic views with an open bay area of 5 chairs and one private operatory. Inside the practice you will find a receptionist area, waiting room, doctor office, consultation room, business office, laboratory, sterilization room, x-ray and storage area. The medical/professional building is near to beaches and great residential communities. This is a great practice to have as a satellite office or a start-up practice. The staff includes a receptionist, 2 dental assistants, office manager and an associate. Seller is relocating. Gross Income: 2012 = $239,711 (Jan-June) 2011 = $479,508 2010 = $511,360. 100% Financing Available.
For more information regarding this listing please contact us by completing the "Contact the Seller" form to the left. We look forward to hearing from you.
Annual Revenue: $479,508
Additional Details:
The property is owned.
The owner is not willing to train/ assist the new owner.
This is not a home based business opportunity.
This is not a franchise resale opportunity.
Property Details
Miscellaneous Details
Financing Available:
100% Financing available.