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#Business ID: 19676

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Two Profitable New York City Fast Food Burger Restaurants

Business Location: New York City, New York, United States

Asking Price: $ 1,100,000 Revenue: $ 2,245,347 Cash Flow: $ 370,210

Business Summary

Two Multi-Million Dollar New York City burger restaurants are for sale – a great opportunity for someone looking for profitable fast food restaurants that are built to franchise. They have been in business for over 5 years and have a very loyal clientele that love their specialty burgers as evident by their growing double digit sales. This highly profitable easy to run business has long-term leases with rent for one of its New York City sites for LESS than $5,000 per month, which is ONLY 4% of sales. Both stores have excellent HIGHLY VISIBLE busy Manhattan locations with outdoor seating, little competition in the area, beer and wine licenses, and a thriving delivery business, these restaurants are standing out among the competition. Both are a great alternative to other fast food restaurants in their respective neighborhoods thanks to similar pricing but a superior eating experience. See what all the talk is about and become a part of a restaurant concept that is much more than just burgers, WITHOUT having to pay monthly royalties. This very profitable NYC Fast Food Burger restaurants are priced to sell at only $1.1M for it would easily cost that to build these beautiful restaurants in New York City. Please refer to listing 11568 when inquiring about this opportunity.

Contact Information:
Contact: Elaine Iucci, Buyer Coordinator
Phone: 516-626-2211
Email: [email protected]

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