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#Business ID: 18381

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Popular Bakery Café, Breakfast, Lunch In Affluent Town. RT # 128, 9.

Business Location: Norfolk, Massachusetts, United States

Asking Price: BUSINESS SOLD Revenue: $ 200,000 Cash Flow: $ 40,000

Business Summary

Bakers and Caterers Don't Miss This One!

Well established bakery cafe in affluent town (near routes 128/9)
In very busy downtown location. Offering home baked pastries,
cookies, crepes, soups, salads, breakfast & lunch sandwiches,
hot and cold beverages.
Turn-key operation and give you income from the first day.

This is an absentee run business—hands on owner can improve
growth dramatically by adding catering, gourmet pizza, a dinner menu,
and opening on Sundays. The bakery has a wholesale permit which
is not being used currently.
Has operated for over 17 years with a very loyal customer base.

Property Details

Years Established:



$ 60,000

Inventory Value:

$ 3,000

Other Business Details

Business Location:

Right on main town road. Near train station. Very high traffic. Many service, restaurants in the area.

Premise Details:

A 1 Location, Turnkey bakery cafe, 750 s.f. plus the basement. fully equipped for what they do. 14 seats.

Expansion Potential:

Offer catering, use the whole sale permit, open on Sundays.

Business Operation Details



Trading Hours:

7 am - 5 pm

Support & Training:

The seller is offering training to ensure a successful transition! All key staff in place.

Miscellaneous Details

Financing Available:

Seller financing available based on financial strength and experience of buyer.

Reason For Selling:

Moving out of state.




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