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#Business ID: 18322

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Drycleaner In North Of Boston

Business Location: Boston, Massachusetts, United States

Asking Price: $ 325,000 Revenue: not disclosed Cash Flow: not disclosed

Business Summary

Asking: $325,000
Included in the Asking Price:
Furniture, Fixtures & Equipment: $150,000

Gross: Not Disclosed
Cash Flow: Not Disclosed

Summary Description
This is a major shopping plaza off route #495. The cleaners has been there for over 11 years. The shopping center was undergoing some major renovation in the parking lot, The improvements took over 2 years to complete. which created a decrease in shopping traffic. Now the work is completed and sales has risen. This is approximately 2000 s.f plant. The hours are from 7:00am-7:00 pm Monday thru Friday and 8:00am- 5:00pm on Saturday. Equipment list: Union 48# drycleaning machine, Fulton boiler 15 h.p.,, s.s. return tank, blowdown tank, Rema vacuum, Cissell spotting board, Cissell suzie, utility press, hot water tank,,Cissell 2 head puffer, Cissell 1 head puffer, Baldor air compressor,, Lennox air chiller,non commercial kenmore dryer, and washer, Grover suzie, Cissell pant topper, Ajax legger press, bagger, slick rails, assembly rails, scale, 6' exhaust fan, ceiling fan, service counters, cash register, credit card machine, etc. Additional information will be provided to qualified buyer, at a later date. WE A SOURCES FOR FINANCING FOR QUALIFIED BUYERS.

General Information
Year Established: 2002

About the Sale
Financing: None
Support/Training: Will Train
Reason Selling: retiring

Property Details

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