#Business ID: 18292

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Convenience Store In Boston

Business Location: Boston, Massachusetts, United States

Asking Price: $ 325,000 Revenue: $ 700,000 Cash Flow: $ 160,000

Business Summary

Asking: $325,000
NOT Included in the Asking Price:
Inventory: $50,000

Gross: $700,000
Cash Flow: $160,000

Summary Description
Size: 1,800 +- s.f. (no basement) Rent includes R.E tax.. and 4 parking spaces behind the building value at $150.00 month each. Lease:3 years left and one 5 year option. Hours: M-F: 6:00-12:00pm, Sat. & Sun:7:00-12:00 Comments: This is a brand new store opened exactly one year ago. The weekly sales are increasing every month. This location is in a young professional and student area. The lottery is not high. The margin on the convenience items is better than other convenience stores due to less competition and they have a good selection of grocery, etc. After visiting the store more details available to a serious buyer. For more details on breakdown of gross sales and operating expenses.

General Information
Year Established: 2010
Employees: 2

Market Outlook
Competition: Very little competition due to a large selection of grocery items.

About the Sale
Financing: None
Support/Training: Will train
Reason Selling: Other Interest

Property Details

Property Type:


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