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#Business ID: 18091

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Hookah Bar / Lounge Near Busy College Campuses In AAA location

Business Location: Nassau, New York, United States

Asking Price: $ 160,000 Revenue: $ 208,278 Cash Flow: $ 120,828

Business Summary

Asking Price: $160,000
Gross Income: $208,278
Cash Flow: $120,828
FF&E: $35,000
Inventory: N/A
Real Estate: N/A
Established: 2012
Employees: N/A

Business Description
Hookah Bar/ Lounge located near multiple college campuses in Nassau County. It sits in a busy strip mall with popular small restaurants. The lounge has all new furniture and equipment such as Leather Sofas, HD TVs, Speaker Systems, Smoke Eaters, and Tables/ Chairs. 3200 SF offering plenty of room for dancing and private parties as well as room for expansion. Everything is owned and paid for with inventory and equipment included in price. Plenty of parking in lot owner has ability to train. Currently open from 7pm to 1am weekdays and 7pm to 4am weekends. A definite profitable opportunity to take over this popular Hookah Bar/ Lounge near several college campus. Hookah Lounges: A Popular Trend Sweeping the Nation.
What is this new trend that is taking our country by storm? Can it be this decade's version of "MySpace" or "Facebook?" Well if you haven't noticed, over the last year, "Hookah Lounges" have been opening up in cities all across the United States. Hookah lounges are mostly found in college towns and urban areas and are regarded by some as a novel and chic way to socialize and embrace multiculturalism.

Detailed Information
Inventory: Included in asking price

Furniture, Fixtures, & Equipment (FF&E): Included in asking price

Facilities: 3200 sf located in strip mall

Competition: No other hookah bar nearby

Growth & Expansion: 1 block from college campus needs to advertise more

Support & Training: 2 weeks

Reason for Selling: other business interest.

Property Details

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