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#Business ID: 18023

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Liquor Store In Affluent North Shore Shopping Center

Business Location: Suffolk, New York, United States

Asking Price: $ 445,000 Revenue: $ 775,000 Cash Flow: $ 118,000

Business Summary

Asking Price: $445,000
Gross Income: $775,000
Cash Flow: $118,000
Inventory: $225,000*
Real Estate: N/A
Established: 2011
Employees: N/A

Business Description

This is a beautiful store located on the North Shore of western Suffolk. It's in a very busy shopping center which includes a strong anchor supermarket, a Chase Bank branch, a CVS, and two very popular restaurants, among others. The owner has increased sales and profit every year for three straight years despite doing virtually no advertising or promotion. Owner is only selling because he must relocate due to a family situation. Store has a very favorable lease and a high percentage of repeat business. Store is located in close proximity to affluent waterfront communities and would benefit greatly from targeted advertising to these homes featuring high-end wines and liquors. This is a great opportunity to own a high quality business with huge potential.

Present owner bought store three years ago. The former owner had sold down inventory to the point where he was losing business. Present owner came in and negotiated a more favorable lease and replenished inventory, greatly expanded the fine wine section, and steadily gained back the lost business and added new customers.

Detailed Information

Inventory: Not included in asking price

Facilities: Shopping Center 2000 sq,ft. This is a beautiful store located on the North Shore of western Suffolk. It's in a very busy shopping center which includes a strong anchor supermarket, a Chase Bank branch, a CVS, and two very popular restaurants, among others. The owner has increased sales and profit every year for three straight years despite doing virtually no advertising or promotion. Owner is only selling because he must relocate due to a family situation. Store has a very favorable lease and a high percentage of repeat business. Store is located in close proximity to affluent waterfront communities and would benefit greatly from targeted advertising to these homes featuring high-end wines and liquors. This is a great opportunity to own a high quality business with huge potential. Present owner bought store three years ago. The former owner had sold down inventory to the point where he was losing business. Present owner came in and negotiated a more favorable lease and replenished inventory, greatly expanded the fine wine section, and steadily gained back the lost business and added new customers.

Financing: Some financing is possible, terms negotiable

Support & Training: 2 Weeks

Reason for Selling: Relocating

Property Details

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