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#Business ID: 16793

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Mfg. & Dist. of Religious Gifts / Jewelry etc

Business Location: Los Angeles, California, United States

Asking Price: BUSINESS SOLD Revenue: $ 4,000,000 Cash Flow: $ 560,000

[Inventory / Stock included]

Business Summary

"Manufacturer and distributor of religious gifts and jewelry founded it in 1948 as a seller of Catholic statuary and wall decor from the back the owner’s car. Owners realized the potential of Protestant religious products and expanded into this market. This company was a pioneer in working closely with manufacturers to produce better quality inspirational products, a policy it still follows to this day as well as manufacturing a small amount of their own items.

This company enjoys a fabulous reputation in the religious gifts and religious jewelry market. It is one of the few high quality religious jewelry manufacturers on the West Coast, as well as one of the more prominent and well-known distributors in the Country. They have many long-term customers (a lot of them have been customers for over 50 years), a consistent reputation of high quality customer service, good relationships with suppliers, and they have unique items not available elsewhere in the market as they continually focus on product development which is typically contract manufactured overseas in Europe or Asia. "

Property Details

Years Established:


Property Type:


Inventory Value:

$ 786,000

Other Business Details

Business Location:

This company is located in a non-descript facility that includes 9300 sq. ft. of Office and Warehouse space (office is around 20% of the space), and is located in a convenient area for shipping and receiving goods and inventory.

Expansion Potential:

The current owner has identified, along with a consultant, three following primary growth strategies: - Roll-up Strategy: Many of the competitors are reaching retirement age, and there may be an opportunity to acquire and consolidate these businesses, taking up their market share quickly - Enter the Online Retail Space: Set up a separately branded online store with a global reach that will capture the ever-growing online market share for these products - Internal Sales Team: Developing an internal telephonic sales team to replace the expensive traveling salesmen would most likely increase sales to the small retail stores across the country which account for approximately 60% of the sales.

Business Operation Details



Support & Training:

The owner is open to assisting the buyer to the extent that ensures the best possible transition plan for both parties.

Miscellaneous Details

Financing Available:

The seller is prepared to carry $330,000 note for 60 months at 6% interest.

Reason For Selling:


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