#Business ID: 16091
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Business Location: Powers DR/Silver Star, Orlando, Florida, United States
Asking Price: $ 50,000 | Revenue: $ under 100k | Cash Flow: $ 0 to 100k |
1800 Sq. Ft.
$ 20,000
$ 1,000
The restaurant faces the main road (Silver Star Rd) and it is in plaza where there are a CVS and a Save-A-Lot.
As we serve jamaican, caribbean, and american food, including bbq, there is 1 jamaican restaurant not too far from us that serves some of the foods that we serve; but the taste of our food is unique.
The business get good potential because we are the only bbq restaurant in the area and all of our customers like our food
One week free support: cooking & management
Do not have enough time to dedicate to the business.
Follow your passion - find and buy the business that fits your dream. Buy it Safely!!