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#Business ID: 15994

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Hearing Aid Franchise - Profitable - Owner will Train

Business Location: Los Angeles, Los Angeles, California, United States

Asking Price: BUSINESS SOLD Revenue: $ 488,000 Cash Flow: $ 128,000

[Furniture / Fixtures and Inventory / Stock included]

Business Summary

Business Activity: This franchise is a 65 year old health service company that operates a retail network of more than 1,200 hearing aid locations across the United States. This Franchise was purchased in May of 2010. The franchise has the most recognized brand name in the industry and a franchisor that is ranked number 1 in the Health Services Industry.

Business Highlights: The average three year gross margin is 73% with over 45% of the current business coming from past customers.

Reason for Sale: The Owner is of retirement age and is selling to move closer to family.

Customer Demographics: There are currently 35 million people in the USA with hearing loss. With only 25% wearing hearing aids the target market consists of approximately 26 million people. In addition this target population is rapidly increasing. The hearing loss population is growing at 160% of US population growth rate. The population of hearing-impaired, ages 18-44 appears to be decreasing, while the age 85-plus hearing-impaired population is growing at nearly 12 time US population growth, and the 75-84 population is growing at nearly 4 times population growth.

Days and Hours: Monday through Friday from 10:00 am to 5:00 pm.

Employees: The franchise currently has three employee’s

Assets: Inventory $6,860.00 and Furniture, Fixtures and Equipment $116,235.00

Terms: This is a SBA transaction with a buyer down payment of $60,000, plus Franchise Fee of $20,000, in addition buyer must have liquid assets of three months worth of operational expenses. If the Buyer is a Licensed Fitter Dispenser or Audiologist, the Franchisor may lend the new owner operating capital required to run the business. SBA loan terms are 6.0% interest amortized over a 7 year term.

Property Details

Years Established:

Established in 1996


$ 116,000

Inventory Value:

$ 6,000

Other Business Details

Business Location:

Owner has three offices in LA county

Business Operation Details



Trading Hours:

Owner will train a new buyer for 90 days

Support & Training:

Franchise has deep support training

Miscellaneous Details

Reason For Selling:

Owner is of retirement age and wishes to move closer to family




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