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#Business ID: 15326

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Convenience Store

Business Location: United States

Asking Price: $ 25,000 Revenue: not disclosed Cash Flow: not disclosed

Business Summary

Price just reduced to $25,000. Rent only $2500 a month including real estate taxes. In 2011, this convenience store did over $52,000 a month in sales. That does not include gas sales or instant Lottery sales. The store only pumps 5000 gallons a month, but is an extra bonus to the owner to have. This 12 year old building, sits on a half acre of land that is all cement. All gas equipment including tanks are only 12 years old. There is a full kitchen if you want to serve food. The owner is not using the kitchen right now. There is a full liquor license where you can sell beer, wine, and liquor. A new owner should open much earlier and close later. The owner now is just 9 AM until 10 PM, seven days a week. Owner has had a baby and wants to stay home with her child. Owner will apply the $25,000 later on towards the building if you want to buy the building. You must have about $70,000 to do this deal. Very motivated seller. Please contact Jeff Highfill until 10 PM at ------------.

Down Payment: $25,000
Sellers Discretionary Earnings: $1

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