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#Business ID: 15213

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Executive Childrens Care And Tutoring Business In Chicago

Business Location: Chicago, Illinois, United States

Asking Price: $ 175,000 Revenue: not disclosed Cash Flow: not disclosed

Business Summary

This franchise provides in home care and tutoring for children as well as a tutoring site for lower cost one-on-one tutoring of children. Business is great and the executive model is growing rapidly as well. Owner Operators can buy a franchise and single territory for under $100K. Executives who wish to own a larger business and keep their full time jobs can buy the business for about $175K. As an executive owner you are required to own at least two territories, have a brick and morter tutoring center and hire a full time general manager. There are many franchisees doing well with this model you will be invited to talk to for validation in addition to details available to you in the Franchise Disclosure Document (FDD).

Property Details

Property Type:


Other Business Details

Premise Details:

An Owner Operator manages the business from home and provides in home services to clients. Executive owners have a strip mall tutoring center as well as two territories to service clients in their homes.


This franchise is the Nations Largest Child Care Employer! The business is recession prof and provides revenue from both child care and tutoring.

Expansion Potential:

The business is easy to grow by adding additional staff or additional territory. You can also open multiple tutoring centers. Parents pay a discounted fee for bringing children to the tutoring center for one-on-one tutoring vs in-home tutoring. This is very attractive to parents.

Business Operation Details

Support & Training:

Once a franchise has been awarded, pre-training will take place via conference calls and weekly assignments. Pre-training will last several weeks and is approximately 120 hours. Upon completing pre-training, franchisees will spend 1 week in our training facility learning the necessary systems, processes, technology, sales, marketing and management methods necessary to operate their franchise. This intense, all-inclusive program will give them the comfort level and confidence necessary to open their location. Weekly franchisee calls, monthly training calls, ongoing advice, consultation, conventions and ongoing training programs are part of the culture.

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