Business Summary
Small but very profitable Systems Integration, Voice and Data, business. Owner/Seller wishes to retire. This business is a Sole Proprietorship, was started in 1991 and has over time serviced a client base in excess of 500 businesses. Currently the business has approximately 100 active businesses it is servicing in the Hampton roads area. Other than the business website the owner has not marketed the business. This business has been built on a referral bases, the best advertisement you can get. Seller will train, if necessary, a new owner and will consider funding a portion of the sell price. The seller only works the business 10 months a year and currently charges at least 30% less than the competition, which in the Hampton Roads area is minimal. There is a lot of room to grow this business, the current owner has intentionally controlled the size of this business to fit his life style. This is a home based business.
Property Details