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#Business ID: 14953

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Interior Design and Architecture Blog - Founterior

Business Location: United States

Asking Price: $ 50,000 Revenue: $ under 100k Cash Flow: $ 0 to 100k

Business Summary

The selling includes the transfer to all the elemenents to the new owner including:

1. Domain name reserved till 12/2014; Registered 12/2012.
2. USA hosting account till 12/2014; Server location - USA;
3. Brand name - Founterior (Fountain for Interior Design);
4. Logo - Founterior;
5. Emails database including business correspondance - admin & info;
6. Website with 500 UNIQUE articles in English on interior design, architecture, decorations, furniture;
5. Fully licensed wp themes, plugins and visuals;
6. Uniquely designed features, created from our designers - images, icons, logos, facebook covers, youtube covers, pinterest board covers, google plus covers;
7. Preset categories for different types of designs, styles, etc.
8. Installed rating system for the articles;
9. Integrated Facebook comments;
10. Installed Business Directory with database of all included companies. All the listings are paid for 1 year and will probably be renewed;
11. Installed SEO friendly backend tools;
12. On-Page SEO - done;
13. Off-Page SEO - link-building campaign in progress;
14. Integrated Facebook like box;
15. Integrated Twiiter feed box;
16. Integrated Pinterest feed box;
17. Integrated Google Plus box;
18. Sitemap.xml generator installed;
19. Webmasters tool verificated;
20. Google Analytics ready - we've recently removed it;
21. Installed image gallery for particular article images in order to generate more impressions;
22. Installed mp3 player with 13 tracks playlist;
23. Installed fixed sidebar;
24. Installed custom url redirection tool for the backend users;
25. Installed reduce bounce rate tool - reduces the bounce rate in Analytics nanturally since it calculates the time spent even on 1 page;
26. Intsalled social share buttons with counters bellow each article;
27. Installed Piwik analytics server tool;
28. Installed a cache tool that double increases the speed of the website;
29. iPhone App in Appstore;
30. Installed e-Shop with integrated selling system in Facebook;
31. Facebook group with 363 natural likes - no fake fans; + integrated e-shop;
32. Twitter profile with 185 followers and 1559 tweets;
33. Youtube profile with 24 videos and 4 followers;
34. Pinterest profile with 655 followers, 4004 pins and 39 boards;
35. LinkedIn company profile;
36. daily online magazine;
37. Houzz profile with 4 albums;
38. FriendFeed profile with 23 followers;
39. WeHeartIt profile with 360 followers, 1200 hearted images and 17 sets;
40. ScoopIt profile with 144 views, 82 followers and 2 topics;
41. Foursquare business listing;
42. Google Plus profile with 178 followers and 1557 +1's
43. Community Forum with 78 Posts in 27 Topics by 22 Members.
44. The traffic is constantly increasing.

Property Details

Years Established:


Other Business Details

Business Location:


Expansion Potential:

The traffic is constantly increasing. We wish we could make a good investment in advertisement, but we do not have the opportunity to do so. The whole business model is set up and is ready to function properly - advertisement ready website , forum, app, e-shop, paid business listings, social profiles with followers, and the only thing that it needs is a good marketing campaign.

Business Operation Details

Trading Hours:



Business Relocatable

Miscellaneous Details

Reason For Selling:

The business need a good marketing campaign and we do not have neither the budget, nor the time to wait this business to go naturally.

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