Business Summary
47 residential pools 1 commercial pool for sale Boca/coral springs $3,845 monthly. Twice a year stabilizer billed.
1 Commercial pool with fountain M W F $500.00 month plus twice a year stabilizer bill accordingly
Monday 6 pools Boca/C.S.
-1 pool C.S. $65 chemical with pool vac
-3 pools C.S. 1 $70. Full service, 1 $50. Chemical same street
-1 $65. Chem.. with pool vac
-2 pools Boca 1 $65 chem. 1 $50. Chem. Pools are next to each other
Wednesday 25 pool Boca/C.S.
-17 pools same street in Boca woods.
-15 @ $70 chem/brush/lite leaf removal, no vacumm
-2 @ $50 straight chem.
-8 pools C.S.
-1 @ $60 chem screened in pool vac
-1 @ $75 chem
-1 @ $80 full
-1 @ $85 full
-2 @ $65 chem/brush both have vac.
-2 @ $70 chem/brush
Friday 16 pools all in same area in Boca
8 pools same neighborhood as Commercial pool
1 pool with fountain @ 175. Full (pool is salt) fountain is clorhine
-1 @ $70 full
-1 @ $75 full
-1 @ $60 chem/salt
-1 @ $100 full
-3 @ $85 full ( one has pool vac)
4 pools on same street (same area as commercial pool)
-1 @ $60 chem/screen
-1 @ $75 chem/pool vac
-1 @ $70 net/brush
-1 @ $65 net/brush/screen
-4 pools in same surrounding area as Commercial pool
-1 @ $60 net/ very small pool
-1 @ $75 full/pool vac
-2 pools same street 1 @ $60 1 @ $65 net/brush/both pools very small
All customers are billed at the 1st of the month for the month. None of my customers are ever late with payments. They all use me for all repairs. Equipment ,with trailer, negotiable with price.
Property Details
Other Business Details
Planning Consent:
30 day training and on-going consulting available Warranty on all accounts.