Business Summary
Get into the Swimming Pool Industry where you can ( net ) profit over 80% of the Monthly Service revenue, and over 25% of the monthly repair revenue.
Every $10,000 investment will net you $15,000 per year in income to the Owner Operator.
I have 19 pools, 15 of which are in Wellington (4 in Village Walk), 1 in Royal Palm (Crestwood and Royal Palm Beach Blvd), 2 next door neighbors off Okeechobee (and 441) and 1 in Riviera Beach (Military and Beeline Hwy). All can be done in 1 day, with the possible exception of Riviera Beach. Currently, I do the 15 Wellington accounts on Wednesday, 1 Royal Palm and 2 Okeechobee/441 on Thursday and 1 Riviera Beach on Tues. (I have 55 sub accts as well that I do for Walter.)
Avg price is $70, but that's because 2 accts are only 3 times a month at $60/month, 1 is chem only at $40/month and 1 pool is $58/month (should be $70, but really easy). Monthly billing is $1323.
The swimming pool Industry is a very profitable industry which has a proven history of netting to owner 80% of the service gross income, and about 30% of the repair and renovation income.
UNLIMITED Growth & Expansion! The pool service industry is virtually recession proof! Anyone can be successful in the swimming pool service industry, if they have a desire to be successful. The learning curve is very small. Our failure rate is virtually zero. The swimming pool service industry enjoys high profits, low overhead, stability and continued growth.
Property Details
Business Operation Details
Support & Training:
Training is available fo as long as you need to get on your feet.