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#Business ID: 14078

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Highly Profitable ATM Cash Dispensing Business

Business Location: Central Coast, California, United States

Asking Price: $ 529,000 Revenue: not disclosed Cash Flow: not disclosed

Business Summary

Have you ever wondered what would it be like to make money every time someone uses of one of those local ATM machines? Find out with this unique opportunity to own one of the largest ATM and Merchant Card Service providers in the Monterey Bay area.

Established over ten years ago, this profitable business supplies ATM machines to convenience stores, bars, restaurants, and outdoor events across the Monterey and San Francisco Bay area. Dispensing over $8,000,000 in cash each year, the business has a strong operating margin, with most locations under renewing contracts with 3 years or more remaining.

Equipment is less than 3 years old and meets the requirements of the recent 2010 Americans with Disability Act. These established ATM routes produce over ten thousand transactions per month, with the business collecting up to $4.00 in surcharges per withdrawal.

An online management system provides real-time information over the Internet via computer or phone on cash levels, fees collected, and errors for each ATM location, making handling the business as an owner/operator or an absentee owner a breeze. In addition, the owner has developed two custom software utilities to provide cash usage trends and generate custom merchant statements for the end of the month merchant statements.

This business could be easily managed by an owner/operator who would check and restock cash in each unit as necessary. Expansion/outsourcing is also possible through adding additional staff to cover new territories or increased ATM placements.

Additional growth is possible from a new sector supplying other smaller ATM deployers with equipment, processing, and consulting services.

Offered at just $529,000. Please call for additional details.

Property Details

Years Established:


Other Business Details

Premise Details:

, Business is expandable geographically and within the current market

Miscellaneous Details

Financing Available:


Reason For Selling:

Owner is ready to pursue other interests

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