#Business ID: 12949
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Business Location: Chicago, Illinois, United States
Asking Price: $ 514,000 | Revenue: $ 280,401 | Cash Flow: $ 52,953 |
$ 19,000
$ 5,000
$ 475,000
This business has limited hours of operation. They are only open Monday Friday, 9am 5pm. This is a great opportunity to buy a very reasonably priced business & increase the sales & make more money than the current owner. Note: The current owner is willing to sell the business and allow you to rent the building/property. The Base Rent would be $1,300/month.
There are many areas of opportunity for a new owner. This business has a website however, it has very limited information & is quite dated. A new website with pricing, samples of signs made, sign options, products, services & their location would significantly help exposure. If you do a search for Chicago Sign Shops , their website didn t appear at all on the first 10 pages. This business has been around a long time & should show up in the first page or 2. They also have limited hours of operation.
Owner is willing to provide the needed training.
Owner will consider a small amount of financing with qualified & experienced buy.
Owner is retiring.
Follow your passion - find and buy the business that fits your dream. Buy it Safely!!