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#Business ID: 12936

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Gas Station and Convenience Store with Property

Business Location: Chicago, Illinois, United States

Asking Price: $ 945,000 Revenue: $ 1,685,730 Cash Flow: $ 134,087

[Furniture / Fixtures included]
[Real Estate Included]

Business Summary

This site has been a gas station since 1956. The current owner acquired the gas station in 2007. This is a
self-service, independent gas station with a walk-up convenience store.

They have a contract with State Oil to use the "Marathon" name however, the contract just expired and the
owner is going to wait to see if the buyer/new owner prefers to extend the contract or go with a new
company. The buyer/new owner will have the option to do as they wish. He's happy with Marathon (State Oil)
and has no desire to switch to another company.

They have 4 tanks; 1=Diesel (4,000 gallons), 2=Regular (7,500 & 10,000 gallons), 1=Premium (4000 gallons).
The tanks are steel & have fiberglass lining. They also have a new cathodic protection system, which cost
about $10,000. They don't sell very much diesel & sell an average of 25,000 30,000 gallons of gas each
month & make an average of 15 to 16 cents profit per gallon. The pumps are about 4 years old & customers
can pay at the pump. The owner states that they don't have any EPA issues.

The gas station & convenience store is open 24 hours a day, 7 days a week. They only have one employee at
any given time, except about 3 hours per day, when they have 2 employees to stock during shift changes.
They make about 35%-40% profit on the convenience store. They accept Link card, credit cards & debit

They have an ATM that is leased for $100/month. They charge $2 per transaction & keep 100% of the
transaction fees. They have a vacuum/air pump. The split is 60/40 & they receive 60%, or about $350/month in
profits. Cigarettes & cigars are very popular here.

Property Details

Years Established:


Property Type:



$ 90,000

Inventory Value:

$ 55,000

Real Estate Value:

$ 650,000

Other Business Details


Contract with State Oil to use the "Marathon" name just expired and the owner is going to wait to see if the buyer/new owner prefers to extend the contract or go with a new company. The buyer/new owner will have the option to do as they wish.

Expansion Potential:

They do not sell alcohol or Lotto. This is definitely an area of opportunity, especially Lotto.

Business Operation Details

Trading Hours:

24 hours a day, 7 days a week.

Miscellaneous Details

Financing Available:

Will consider up to 5% of the purchase price with qualified & experienced buyer.

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