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#Business ID: 12932

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Sports Bar/Restaurant

Business Location: Lake, Indiana, United States

Asking Price: $ 475,000 Revenue: $ 1,565,508 Cash Flow: $ 244,077

[Furniture / Fixtures included]

Business Summary

This is a full service restaurant and sports bar. On one half of the building is the restaurant, which specializes
in home style cooking for breakfast, lunch and dinner. On the other half of the building is the sports bar, known
for being the local hotspot, with drink specials, music, DJ's and plenty of TV's showing various sporting
events. They also have room to handle banquets (up to 100 people). They have a nice website and you can
download a copy of the menu directly from the website.

This business has very strong sales and cash flow, even with absentee owners. An owner operator would
do wonders for this business. You will see from their cost of goods, there's a lot of room for improvement to
lower the costs and make more profits. Their cost of goods for 2010 was about 44% and if you include
supplies (napkins, to go containers, dry goods, etc.) it's just below 46%. That's too high, but common in
restaurants with absentee owners. Fortunately, the hourly rate for servers and bartenders in Indiana is only
$2.13 an hour. This is nearly half of what it is in Illinois and saves them a lot of money each year in payroll

The owners have many other businesses and rarely have time to go to this location. They have a tremendous
amount on their plates right now & are looking to scale back a little. Most of their businesses are located in
Illinois, so it would make sense for them to sell the businesses outside of Illinois.

Property Details

Property Type:



$ 125,000

Inventory Value:

$ 50,000

Real Estate Value:

$ 975,000

Other Business Details


On one half of the building is the restaurant, which specializes in home style cooking for breakfast, lunch and dinner. On the other half of the building is the sports bar, known for being the local hotspot, with drink specials, music, DJ’s and plenty of TV’s showing various sporting events. They also have room to handle banquets (up to 100 people).

Expansion Potential:

The owners of the business also own the property. They prefer to sell the business only.

Business Operation Details

Trading Hours:

Monday Thursday: 5:00 AM 3:00 AM Friday Saturday: 5:00 AM 3:00 AM Sunday: 5:00 AM 3:00 AM

Miscellaneous Details

Financing Available:

Owners might discuss some financing with qualified & experienced buyer/operators.

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