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#Business ID: 11940

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Online Store With 60k Profit Over Three Months

Business Location: Fort Collins, Larimer, Colorado, United States

Asking Price: $ 269,000 Revenue: $ 181,030 Cash Flow: $ 0 to 100k

[Inventory / Stock included]

Business Summary

The price has just been lowered to $269,000 which is very low based on this site's net profit. However, the owners have a situation and it must sell very soon so they are willing to sell it for much less than they would likely get if they had time to wait.

* Store sells a small selection of incense and related products.
* 18 months solid history
* Large sales spike over last three months (60k Net)
* A medical emergency is the only reason this business is for sale
* It's also why the price is so low
* Very simple business, can be learned in one day
* Rapidly growing industry
* High percentage of repeat business

This business also comes with a mailing list of more than 28,000 past customers. These are all people who made a purchase in the past and who were satisfied with their order. Every time you send a newsletter or other mailing you'll see $1,000-$2,000 increase in sales of the next 24-48 hours. There is also tremendous potential to market related products to this same, very targeted customer base.

Property Details

Years Established:


Inventory Value:

$ 10,000

Other Business Details

Business Location:

Run From Home


Limited competition in a huge market

Expansion Potential:

Unlimited Expansion Potential

Business Operation Details



Trading Hours:

9am - 5pm, Monday-Friday

Support & Training:

Full training in running business will be provided. This business is simple to run and can be learned in one day. Additional training in online marketing, advertising and promotions and other areas which are not directly related to running business but are very important to long term growth. Will be available for long term support and consulting.


Business Relocatable

Miscellaneous Details

Financing Available:

Partial financing possible

Reason For Selling:

Family medical emergency

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