#Business ID: 11854
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Business Location: Ft. Myers, Florida, United States
Asking Price: BUSINESS SOLD | Revenue: $ 1,006,151 | Cash Flow: $ 194,063 |
$ 80,000
$ 65,000
Truly pristine pool supply store. This store is 2,400 sq. ft. and already has a great lease in place. Rent is less than 5% of sales. This store has high visibility and is located in a well traveled plaza., In addition to the retail business, a pool cleaning route is also included! They just started the pool cleaning service just over a year ago and currently have over 80 accounts.
This is the #1 pool franchise in Florida with very little competition in this area. This explains why sales are up and will exceed a million for each of the past two years.
5 FT
The franchisor has an in depth 4 week training course. In addition, the seller will train on site for an additional 2 weeks.
Seller is preparing for retirement.
Follow your passion - find and buy the business that fits your dream. Buy it Safely!!