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#Business ID: 10778

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USA Cycling Guidebook Business

Business Location: Los Angeles, California, United States

Asking Price: not disclosed Revenue: not disclosed Cash Flow: not disclosed

Business Summary

We are an Australian based publisher who expanded to the USA in 2010 with a successful series of cycling guidebooks and set up Where to Bike LLC.
We have been publishing trade and consumer cycling magazines and books in Australia since 1989. We'd basically run out of cities having already published a guidebook for every Australian city and thought our proven guidebook format would also work well in the USA.
Unlike any previous books on the US market, the Where to Bike series is published in full color on gloss paper, with detailed GPS mapping and a unique, fold-flat binding.
The books include a kids ride section, a ride ratings system and several other unique features. They ship and sell in full color six pack POP displays that boost sales via bike shops.
Where to Bike Chicago was the first USA title, published in February 2011. This was followed by Where to Bike guidebooks for Washington DC, Philadelphia and Los Angeles.
Sales were brisk, with Chicago selling out of its first 5,000 copy print run before the end of its first summer. Where to Bike soon added iPhone apps and eBooks for every title.
Where to Bike books are sold via bike shops through QBP and American Cycling and to book shops via Ingram.
At Interbike this year, we will be launching four new titles: Where to Bike New York City, Where to Bike Portland, Where to Bike Orange County and our first MTB specific title, Where to Bike Los Angeles Mountain Biking.
We have now decided it would be much easier for an American to run this business, so we are putting it up for sale.

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Currently running business from Australia

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