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#Business ID: 10594

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#1 Rated Digital Printing & Graphics Franchise

Business Location: Hanover, Virginia, United States

Asking Price: $ 130,000 Revenue: not disclosed Cash Flow: not disclosed

Business Summary

Established Minuteman Press digital printing & graphics franchise in Hanover County with great staff and good repeat clientele. This is a unique opportunity to take over an existing franchise with a customer base for about the cost of a new location. The owner would like to sell due to personal reasons. No experience is necessary.
The owner has asked us to not publish their location and their financial information at this time. They would like to keep the sale confidential as the employees and customers do not know that it is for sale yet. The center has a good professional staff along with an excellent repeat customer base. We want to make sure we do not compromise this for the future owner. All specific details will be provided to a qualified buyer at the appropriate time. Please contact us for more information regarding this opportunity.
Minuteman Press is the world's largest and top rated printing and graphics franchise. We have repeatedly been ranked number 1 by Entrepreneur Magazine in our industry. Minuteman Press offers stability through a proven concept and a virtually unlimited customer base. Every business large and small is a potential customer. We are a full service center offering everything from business cards and letterheads to marketing materials and promotional items. This is a great family business and offers our owners a great quality of life. Recommended operating hours are Monday through Friday 8:30 to 5:30.

Property Details

Years Established:


Other Business Details

Business Operation Details



Trading Hours:

Monday through Friday 8:30AM - 5:30PM

Support & Training:

The vast majority of our owners have had no prior background in printing or graphics and most have not owned a business before. We have developed a comprehensive training program covering all aspects of running a successful business. A local regional office will provide continued onsite support.

Miscellaneous Details

Financing Available:


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