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#Business ID: 10517

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Allstate Agencies In Illinios

Business Location: Cook, Illinois, United States

Asking Price: $ under 100k Revenue: $ under 100k Cash Flow: $ 0 to 100k

Business Summary

Allstate needs to expand in Illinois and we are seeking individuals with a strong sales, management and/or business background. This opportunity falls into a niche market that is growing despite a troubled economy. Many people are looking at their mandatory bills, which includes insurance, to find ways to reduce their monthly expenses. Because of this market, Allstate is capturing our competitors’ business while at the same time giving our agents the tools to retain their current customer base.
This is a unique opportunity to own a nationally recognized branded business with ZERO franchise fees. All Allstate agents earn new business and renewal commissions and have equity in their book of business. We offer individuals the opportunity to become an agent by either starting a new agency or purchasing an existing agency. If you would like to get more information, please contact me at the number below to set up a time to speak on the phone.

Property Details

Property Type:

Real & Lease

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