#Business ID: 10339
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Business Location: Relocatable, Ohio, United States
Asking Price: $ 250,000 | Revenue: $ 300,000 | Cash Flow: $ 90,000 |
$ 5,000
$ 50,000
Can be located anywhere as customers are throughout N America
Requires 500 SF with compressed air and electric will provide adequate space for design, production and demonstration and/or performance buy-offs. If moving to existing facility, a new owner could add $10,000 to cashflow. Could be home-based if space available.
Some competition in this industry, but this company has better software
New website just introduced in late 2011. Upgraded software introduced running on Windows 7. Owners have lost interest in this market, but increased attention will grow sales. Residual Parts Sales of approx.$70,000/yr.
Choose your hours
Corporation to provide 1 month training time, plus additional limited support as needed.
Business Relocatable
Corporation divesting product line due to strategic change in direction.
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