#Business ID: 10270
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Business Location: Alabama, United States
Asking Price: BUSINESS SOLD | Revenue: 1m to 5m | Cash Flow: 0 to 100k |
Building is locating between 1st street (office side) in Silas, AL and the Rear end of building (shipping/receiving) is on a main hwy 17.
Building is about 27000sqft in total (covered) footage.
This is a niche market business, with a customer base of over 16yrs. Very stable. No competition in this area and not very much competition in the US doing the specialty services that we provide.
My business has grown every year and it has really grown in the past 2 years. Very good opportunity for expanding as far as customer base and plenty of room in the building for expanding.
Building has brake area, kitchen, conference/lounge room, offices, warehouse stocking shelves, bins, etc.
7am to 3pm
I will work with the new owner in training as long as needed (up to a year). I will make sure they are well familar with how the business runs, so it will be a smooth transaction for both the new owner, myself and my customers.
Business Relocatable
Possible financing, depending on the situation and if we can work out the details. I will take offers into consideration, but I prefer to not finance, if possible.
I started this business myself as a part time business, but I worked it hard and acquired some good customers and it has grown ever since I started it. I have other businesses and interest I would like to persue. This business has been a great financial income for me and my family and it is well-estabilished for a new owner to take over and continue the success. I'm only 42, so I am not retiring, but I like pursing new things in my life to keep it interesting. This business is legit and a great opportunity for someone with the potential to continue it's great success. The company is completely debt free with the building and everything in the building completely debt-free. I will offer more information to a "qualified" potential buyer.
Follow your passion - find and buy the business that fits your dream. Buy it Safely!!